We spent the last 4 days of our trip in Wailea, Maui. The beaches are great here and the condos and houses are amazing. Wailea reminded us a lot of Arizona since it is climate is very warm and dry.
The view from the lanai at our condo in Wailea. We stayed in Ekahi Village in Wailea. The trade winds were really going this day. You can see the wind in the coconut trees in the distance.

Angie and Scott hanging out with the locals at Ulupalakua Ranch

Wailea Sunset. This was at the beach near our condo.
2 exposure blend, 1/20 sec and 1/2 sec at f/16, ISO 100, polarizer.

Green Sea Turtle at the Maui Ocean Center

Angie and Scott at the Maui Ocean Center.

Wailea Sunset - Another one from the beach near the condo.
1 sec at f/22, ISO 100, polarizer, 3 stop reverse graduated neutral density filter

Maui Taco on the beach in Wailea. Their fish tacos are amazing. We went there two days in a row for lunch. You wouldn't think Maui would be the best place for Mexican food, but Maui Taco is actually quite good.

Plumeria flowers.

Scott and Angie on the beach in Wailea.

Coral and Waves - 1/4 sec at f/11, ISO 100

Wailea Sunset
1/2 sec at f/16, ISO 100, polarizer, 3 stop reverse GND filter

Scott and Angie on the beach in Wailea on our last night in Maui.

Wailea was our last stop on Maui before we headed back home. We really enjoyed our trip and can't wait to get back to Hawaii.
1 comment
Love Wailea... darn, we didn't get to meet those cool locals. We'll have to go back. :o) Maui Tacos = yum!
Yea for no sunglasses!! But wait... the only time you're not squinting is when it's dark?! hehe... :o)
Beautiful sunset pics... THAT makes me want to go back again and again!
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