Our goal for the day was to get to Stormy Lake, which was ~5 miles from the trail head. The mosquitoes did not let up one bit while we were on the trail and we soon were wearing long sleeve bug shirts and full head nets. We made it to Stormy Lake just before sunset and the bugs finally let up as we made dinner.
Here is a night photo of the Big Dipper over Stormy Lake. Irish Mountain is in the background being illuminated by the moonlight.

Here are a few photos from around the Stormy Lake during one of the brief periods where it wasn't raining.
Our tent is the light orange object in the middle of this photo. Yeah I know you can barely see it!!
Scott, Angie and Cami on the shore of Stormy Lake.
We woke up early the next morning expecting the weather to have cleared, but we were disappointed to find it was still pouring rain. We made the executive decision to head back to the trail head that day and spend the rest of our time off in Portland. This was a beautiful area for backpacking and we hope next time to get better weather.

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